I’m a hopeless case. But it is not my fault. I organize a holiday in Copenhagen and what happens? That in the first 2 hours around Nørrebro, our amazing neighborhood, I bump into an event I can’t ignore.
Within the 48 Timer Festival, among the many initiatives here is that crochet hooks appear. A group of girls and boys (yes, boys: few but good) meet in a public space in order to make a sufficient number of 10×10 cm pieces to be sewn together and mounted at the entrance of the neighborhood library. At the same time, some girls were teaching to beginners: it reminded me of the wonderful day spent with the Ice Cream Team at Abilmente!
I also meet a very nice girl, Karina, who lives in the countryside around Copenhagen and arrived at the event riding her beautiful bicycle, which you can see in the photos below and in her colorful blog Kreafreak: posts are in Danish, but the pictures are very eloquent! In particular, the post about that day >> here.
Here is the link at the FB eventi >> Giga folkeværk af garnrester
which I discover has been replied few days ago
>> Puslespillet skal samles! Giga folkeværk af garnrester II