Nendo designed a collection in natural leather that can tan.
A key feature of natural leather is its color changing over time: starting from this quality, which, instead of being considered in a negative way, gives the object more character, making it more attractive, Oki Sato thought he could exploit it by using tanning oil and sunscreen to create an invisible pattern on the surface of the leather.
when you buy it, the product would appear to be plain leather, but after a while, thanks to sunlight, the pattern appears.
There are five types of items available, in four different patterns: folders, book covers, card holders, containers, and stools.
Pure magic and wonder, which are right at the base of Nendo concept, explained on their website oa follows:
Giving people a small ” ! ” moment. There are so many small ” ! ” moments hidden in our everyday.
But we don’t recognize them. And even when we do recognize them,we tend to unconsciously reset our minds and forget what we’ve seen.
But we believe these small ” ! ” moments are what make our days so interesting, so rich.
That’s why we want to reconstitute the everyday by collecting and reshaping them into something that’s easy to understand.
We’d like the people who’ve encountered nendo’s designs to feel these small ” ! ” moments intuitively.
That’s nendo’s job.
Suntan-pattern is a limited edition, available exclusively at the Hankyu Department Store in Tokyo. If you are organizing your summer holidays in Japan, please let me know! At least I *need* a business card holder and a folder!
{pictures by Akihiro Yoshida}