Mettiamoci una pezza is back in L’Aquila!
What is it about?
Mettiamoci una pezza is organised by the Associazione Animammersa.
Mettiamoci una pezza is an occasion to denounce, to provoke with the aim to bring the national (and international) attention (again) on the dramatic situation of the city in these 5 years passed after the earthquake. The wounds have not yet healed.
This time, after the 2012 and 2013 editions, the organisation aim to create a big red spiderweb in the city center square (Piazza Duomo) on April 6th, anniversary of the earthquake.
The choice to represent the situation through the image of a spiderweb comes from the observation of the reality that surrounds us. The permanent mark scars us and our territories. At the same time the spiderweb, in its magnificent architecture, is the symbol of that community that meets here and denounce […] We chose this symbol because it represents better than others that attitude of inaction against which we launch our actions, we are as trapped in an area that falls apart.
You can find more infos about past projects on the website.
What could you do?
There are two possibilities:
– creating wool or cotton crochet chains, as long as you can
– sending wool or cotton yarn balls
One condition: use only red wool/cotton.
Beginners have no excuses: crochet chain is the basis, anyone can do it! And it’s also a very good exercise to practice.
If you have still some doubt, here is a tutorial:
>> <<
And you, left handed people: don’t give up! You can learn it by mirroring the images!
Where could you send?
Chains and yarn balls can be send to:
Associazione Culturale Animammersa
c/o Patrizia Bernardi
via Strada Statale 17 Bis 87
67100 Paganica (AQ)
As written on the organisation website: it’s very important that the material arrives before April 1th, in order to have the time to set up the spiderweb.
You can communicate your participation in the project leaving a commet on the website, on the Facebook page or sending an email to mettiamociunapezza[at]
I won’t be there, but I’m really curious to see the result by the pictures and the blog posts published in these days!
Come on! Let’s do it! I have already begun!
For those now in Sardinia: you can join the event Fusilla organised for you: on March 27th-29th at Ex Q in Sassari.
Don’t miss the opportunity to have so much fun and do something good at the same time!
Here are all the details >> Facebook: Sassari, mettiamoci una pezza!